Two common questions I am asked are: “Should I
stretch?” and “When should I stretch?”
Unknowingly they are asking a bit of a loaded
question. There are many different forms of stretching, some relatively modern,
some more “traditional”.
My routine answer is “Yes you should stretch,
but there are certain forms of stretching you should utilise at specific
intervals in your workout”
Pre Workout
DON’T static stretch (holding a stretch without moving for 15-30 seconds) at the beginning of a workout.
Most people are taught the importance of
warm-up exercises at school, and likely continue with pretty much the same
routines in adult life. Science, however, has moved on. The old presumption
that holding a static stretch at the beginning of your workout primes your
muscles is wrong. It actually weakens them. Think about it; as part of your
preparation for a dynamic, possibly explosive workout / training session /
sporting event, why would you do the very opposite with your muscles and joints
to what will be required of them in a few short minutes?
As a martial artist I am more than aware of the
hundreds of clubs around the UK that still adopt this old fashioned static
stretching way of warming up (or more accurately cooling down) before engaging
in a quite explosive activity. It is a problem across sport, even in some
professional clubs!
In a 2008 study conducted at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, athletes generated less force from their leg muscles after
static stretching than they did after not stretching at all. Other studies have
found that this stretching decreases muscle strength by as much as 30 percent!
Not ideal for gym goers and certainly not for athletes! Stretching one leg’s
muscles can also reduce strength in the other leg as well, due to the central
nervous system rebelling against the movements. The straining muscle becomes
less responsive and stays weakened for up to 30 minutes after stretching, which
again is not how anybody wants to begin
their workout. Stretching muscles while moving, on the other hand, a technique
known as dynamic stretching or dynamic warm-ups, increases power, flexibility
and range of motion. (ROM) Muscles in
motion don’t experience that insidious inhibitory response.
Stretching at the beginning of a workout
Yeah Baby!
Effective, safe warm ups should increase body
heat, blood flow and loosen your muscles and tendons enabling an increased ROM
in your joints. When at rest, there’s less blood supply to muscles and tendons,
and they stiffen.
“You need to make tissues and tendons compliant
before beginning exercise,” ‘Duane Knudson’ - a professor of kinesiology at
California State University.
Dynamic stretching involves repetitively moving
a joint or group of joints (whilst keeping the heart rate elevated) in order to
increase your ROM and open up your neuromuscular pathways.
Guidelines for dynamic stretching:
- Carry out 8-20 repetitions each movement
- Progressively increase Range of Movement
- Gradually increase speed of motion
- Do not sacrifice good technique for additional ROM
Dynamic stretching is an important physical
rehearsal of the movements you are about to undertake in your workout /
activity. It also helps to mentally
prepare and motivate you for the workout ahead and also reduces the risk of
Basic dynamic stretches include squats and
lunges for the legs, arm drives for the shoulders and stretching the arms out
to the side, back and forth for the chest. Athletes should also replicate
“match movements” in their dynamic warm up / stretching.
workout stretching
At the end of a workout I always prescribe
static stretches. When you exercise, you increase tension in the muscles which are
also in a slightly contracted state. It is always good to take 10- 15 minutes
out to calm down physically and try to re-lengthen your muscles slightly. Hold
each stretch for approximately 12-15 seconds. Stretches should feel
uncomfortable BUT NOT PAINFUL. Never bounce your stretches and always try to maintain
a straight back.
Working with several clients who come to me
with back, knee, hip, shoulder injuries ect, over the years I have found
stretching incredibly useful in reducing tension in surrounding muscle groups
and joints which therefore, in turn, alleviates stress on the injured area and allows
it to heal efficiently.
Static stretching is relatively basic and quite
safe to do on your own. It can increase
flexibility if undertaken regularly on warm muscles. I personally find that stretching
makes me feel relaxed physically and mentally after a workout.
When I am working ‘hands on’ with my clients, I
regularly employ further advanced (and more effective) methods of stretching.
If you feel you have significantly tight muscles or have an injury, it may be
worth consulting a recommended trainer and ask them about PNF stretching –
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. Muscle tightness, if left untreated can lead to
poor posture, undesirable skeletal alignment and further injuries.
In conclusion, I do recommend static stretching
as part of a cool down routine but certainly not at the beginning of a session.
As for dynamic stretching, I love it and highly suggest you integrate it into your
warm up routine. If unsure please consult a professional (not a magazine,
internet or TV article) to ensure are doing the stretches correctly.
Please visit
my other channels where you can find out more.
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